Florian Stein is a consultant specializing in IoT & Industry 4.0, as well as Big Data & Cloud Architecture and has project experience in various sectors such as telecommunications, industry and automotive. Florian has experience in the design, implementation and operation of big data and cloud architectures with a focus on IoT & Industry 4.0 and also has a very good overview of relevant technologies in this dynamic and innovative field.
Thomas has been close to people, processes and data at KNF for over 25 years in a leadership role. After starting as an engineer, his path at the Freiburg site led him to IT/QM management and then to the CTO role. After 5 years as CIO on the Management Board of the KNF Group in Switzerland, he is now back in Freiburg as Managing Director of the IT service company and is building a BI & Analytics team to strengthen the Data Driven Culture at KNF.